Why Does My Pet’s Breath Smell Bad?

Why Does My Pet’s Breath Smell Bad?

What’s that smell? That kind of smell was only noticed after your pet came over to cuddle with you and provide you with some much needed kisses over your face. As our clinic is coming up on Dental Month, we are going to talk about why our pet’s breath smells bad...
Motion Sickness in Dogs

Motion Sickness in Dogs

It’s the most wonderful and chaotic time of the year. Between scurrying for Christmas gifts, traveling, and having a house filled with relatives, it makes a lot of folks wanna puke. Dogs also seem to act more sickly especially during extensive travel. With a lot of...


Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays where we get a chance to all come together and indulge in an amazing selection of foods ranging from sweet potatoes, cranberries, turkey, stuffing, and let’s not forget the pumpkin pie! While we spend this day enjoying...


Halloween is close approaching where many kids will soon be bringing home loads of sweets from a night of Trick or Treating and adults will be stockpiling candies and baked goods to give away for said kids. It’s a common time of the year where ones dog might sneak...
That’s not a pimple, it’s a Cuterebra!

That’s not a pimple, it’s a Cuterebra!

We are starting to feel a little nip in the air as fall is starting to peak around the corner. During this time in the year, it might not be too uncommon for you to find a weird draining hole or pimple on the side of your dog. On closer inspection, it will appear as...